Ainos Frozen Vegetables

Ainos Frozen Vegetables

It is now time to introduce a new equally very successful and popular product from Greece.

Whether you are a vegetarian or not, a healthy meal of tasty greens should be one of your staples.

It is a well-known fact that vegetables are healthier and much more flavoursome when grown in rich soil; The very fertile soil of Greece!

Open a bag of freshly Frozen beans, peas, artichoke or okra; to just name a few, and in minutes enjoy a healthy meal that your body will thank you for!

These delicious vegies can become the best main course meal or can accompany any stew, roast or other meat dishes.

You will very quickly realise that they are unsurpassed in quality and taste!

Ainos Frozen Vegetables Products

Ainos pack artichokes peas 1kg

Artichokes with Green Peas


Ainos Beans 1kg

Borlotti Beans


Ainos Bean Wide 1kg

Flat Beans


Ainos Peas 1kg

Green Beans


Ainos spinach 1kg

Leaf Spinach


Ainos okra 1kg



Ainos artichokes 1kg



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